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Best Buy Back To School Influencer Campaign

Project Type

TikTok Campaign Management


June 2023


Provided campaign development assistance alongside the senior manager and junior manager on the Best Buy influencer marketing team.


Influencer Marketing Internship at Best Buy

Throughout my Influencer Marketing internship at Best Buy, I received the opportunity to work on a series of five Back-To-School TikTok campaigns that were focused on positioning Best Buy as the premier Back-to-School destination among Generation Z. For the #BestBuyBackpack campaign, my team and I tapped into the "what's in my bag" trend on TikTok and worked with our agency partners to send a #BestBuyBackpack filled with the top tech essentials to 10 Generation Z, mid to mega creators (100k-1M following). My primary role in this campaign involved providing agency and internal brief alignment, setting up the campaign on CreatorIQ, creating talent one-sheets, reviewing rounds of TikTok content, and working on organic social media integration.

Our 10 creators each built brand relevance and authenticity by filming and creating a dynamic unboxing of the #BestBuyBackpack to show off all the incredible Back-To-School items that Best Buy has to offer. Collectively, this campaign reached 14.1 million followers across 10 creators and generated over 10.2 million views. While I am not able to share more detailed pieces of my work due to company rules, please view some of our top performing #BestBuyBackpack TikTok videos below.

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